
Minggu, 24 April 2016

Facebook It really IS depressing!

I didnt want to believe it when I stumbled upon an article stating that social networks like Facebook are depressing.  Well, I vowed to take the day off.  I have logged on to play my games and usually went and did something else (like look up raw food recipes that husband will enjoy.)  I kind of read a picture or two but once I caught myself, I would immediately leave.  So how has my day been?  Fucking fantastic.  I mean...holy cow.  Now I realize that the articles were right.

According to some research by some people that I dont remember because I originally thought it was bullshit, most Facebook/social network users post their success.  When we see how successful they are, we start beating ourselves up for stuff.  Most people post happy things.  We see how happy they are and wonder why were not happy.  That makes us even more depressed.  For the people that post depressing things...well you know...its depressing all by itself.  I realized this was very true.  I have wanted a baby for a while and most of my Facebook news feed is plastered with babies and how happy people are.  It is also plastered with weight loss stories and here I am, hating myself for my weight and eating problems.

Now the interesting part is, I decided to use my free time to use Stumble Upon to stumble....babies.  I didnt feel bad then.  I used to feel horrible stumbling on the "babies" section but today I felt just fantastic.  Cute baby here, cute baby there....

Then I played the Sims.  Im on a challenge using mods.  The family can only have children with family members know...its the best bloodline.

Today is a fantastic day.  Enough said!

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